LAYER: ConCorridor


DIRECTORY: /AEDATA/Environmental/ConCorridor.shp


DIRECTORY: Volusia.SDE/Environmental/ConCorridor



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Abstract: The Volusia Conservation Corridor (VCC) is a mosaic of contiguous parcels of land, approximately 55,000 acres in size, which sits essentially in the middle of the county and connects lands north of the city of Deltona and east to the city of Edgewater. These lands include habitat needed for federal and state listed endangered and threatened species such as the Florida black bear, Florida sandhill crane, Florida scrub jay, bald eagle, wood stork, red-cockaded woodpecker, gopher tortoise, indigo snake, and Florida pine snake. Preliminary ground water modeling and natural resource assessments have indicated the potential for additional water supply development; thus is provides for water resource development. The land is also critical in providing flood protection for existing and future populations, protecting surface and ground water quality, and providing resource-based recreation for both residents and tourists alike. The potential acquisition area is highly suitable due to its large size, relatively intact natural systems, extensive wetlands and water resources, and critical habitat for migrating waterfowl, black bear and other important species. While significant as an independent resource, the project is perhaps even more valuable in its function as a connector and wildlife corridor linking numerous protected areas. Land connections prevent further habitat fragmentation that causes the isolation and demise of small populations. This corridor is the link that will connect land from the Okefenokee Swamp at the top of the state to the Everglades. Excellent recreational potential exists for hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, horseback riding, and nature study. Close proximity to large urban areas and major transportation corridors suggests that recreational needs will increase. The Florida Scenic Trail system traverses the region and provides further opportunities for public access and recreation.

Update Frequency: As needed. Last Updated 04/04/2017.

Spatial Domain

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Spatial Data Information

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digital map

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SDE Feature Class

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